Stages Of  Development Of The Brain

Development of brain can be divided into five stages or five parts, which are :


       i.            Myencephalon:  This is the first and oldest part of the brain. It extends from spinal cord. It has within it Medulla Oblongata. The main function of this structure is to take care of the autonomic activities of breathing, respiration etc.


     ii.            Metacephalon:  It has within it Pons and Cerebellum. The main function of this structure of the brain is to maintain balance between different physical activities, as for example rhythm and coordination between the movements or hands and legs and other part of the body. For Example: Swimming which requires high levels of coordination, balance and rhythm between hands and legs.


  iii.            Mesencephalon:  Mesencephalon or mid brain is the portion of the brainstem that connects the hindbrain and the forebrain. It connects the cerebrum with the cerebellum. The function of this in movement as well as visual and auditory processing.

Function – Function of the Mesencephalon include:-

·       Controlling Response to Sight

·       Eye Movement

·       Pupil Dilation

·       Regulate Muscle Movement


   iv.            Diencephalon:  It is important part of the brain. It is small in structure and contains with in it the thalamus and hypothalamus.

·       Thalamus is the structure through which all sensory information from all parts of body are transmitted to different organs.

·       Hypothalamus which has its main function to control emotions and motivations. It also has important role in sexual activities.


     v.            Telencephalon:   It encompasses forebrain, Limbic system and cerebral cortex.

·       The forebrain is the largest part of the brain.

·       The limbic system is a collective term referring to several brain parts.

·       Cerebral Cortex  (having 4 Lobes):

1.     FRONTAL – motor function, motivation, aggression and mood.

2.     PARIENTAL – Reception and Sensory information.

3.     TEMPORAL – smell, hearing, memory and abstract thought.

4.     OCCIPITAL – Visual Processing.








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